Author: Mike Kelley
Title: Mike's Minute

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to
prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

A man once took his three-year-old daughter to an amusement park. It was her first visit to such a place and she was in awe at all the sights and sounds, but mostly she was thrilled at the whirl and whiz of the rides. She insisted on one particular ride, even though it was considered the “scariest” ride for young children her age.

As she whipped around the corners in her kiddy car, she wrinkled up her face and let loose a terrified cry. Her father, riding in the car with her, got her attention. With a big smile, he shouted over the roar of the ride, “This is FUN!”

When the little girl saw that he was not terrified, she also began to laugh. The terrifying experience had suddenly become enjoyable. In fact, she insisted on riding the same attraction three more times.

What a comfort to know that our Heavenly Father will not only “ride the new ride” with us, but that the future is never scary to Him. He has good things planned for us. When we look into the future from our perspective, we may become frightened. But, when we look at the future from His perspective, we are far more likely to shout with glee, “Let’s go! Isn’t this going to be fun!”

As bad as things may look in this world, rest assured that there is no panic in heaven... only plans. If we “set our minds on things above,” we will experience a peace and joy that the world doesn’t understand.