Date: 7/25/2024
Author: Mike Kelley
Title: Mike's Minute

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot.

Matthew 5:13

Jesus called his disciples the “salt of the earth.”

This was, first of all, a great compliment.

Salt is essential to life. Without it, our cardiovascular and nervous systems would stop working. Long before refrigeration was invented, salt was used as a preservative to keep meat from spoiling. Salt also improves the flavor of food.

Salt gives life, preserves life, and flavors life. Whether the world recognizes it or not (and it often doesn’t), Christians have a saving, preserving, and flavoring influence on society.

Being called “salt” also is a challenge.

Much of the salt used in ancient Israel was from the Dead Sea and was mixed with noxious minerals that spoiled its purity and flavor. In such a case, the salt was useless and had to be thrown out.

Thus, the challenge to Christians. If our lives become polluted by selfishness or sin, our ability to preserve and flavor society will be compromised.

Our mission is to be salt... but to be pure salt.

A little boy asked his mom if she would pay him a dollar to be good. She said, “Why don’t you just act like your father and be good for nothing?”

Let’s be good... and be good for something. Let’s get out of the salt shaker and into the world. Please pass the salt!